
Actionari pneumatice - RCG90-100 - 500...600,000 Nm
- Producator: REMOTE CONTROL - Suedia - For On-Off and modulating; - Strong, compact actuators for large valves and high torques; - For applications where aluminium cannot be accepted; - Double acting or single acting with spring return; - Pre-tensioned springs for safety; - Connection according to DIN3337/ISO5211 to valve; - Connection according to VDI/VDE3845 NAMUR to accessories; - Mounting kits for all types of quarter turn valves; - Scotch Yoke principle gives high torque in the end positions; - High reliability, long life, one-year warranty; - High efficiency, low air consumption; - Epoxy coated ductile iron in cylinder, end plates and spring housing. PTFE treated cylinder; - Prepared for quick operation (extremely fast emergency function); - Temperature range -20 °C to +80 °C; - Options: Manual override M1, customer specified paint, quick acting, speed restrictor, low temperatur, high temperatur, oil hydraulics, stainless steel drive shaft and screws; - Leaves the top of the actuator free for the fitting of accessories; - Enables locking of the actuator in open or closed position. Especially useful with spring return units SR; - The handwheel remains stationary during remote operation; - Simple and safe function; - Compact unit with minimum weight and installation size;
- Conexiuni: - Actionari disponibile:
- Aplicatii posibile:
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NOU! Robinete cu sfera, JC Valves (Spania)
Am lansat noul site pentru comenzi online!
NOU! Robinete cu flotor (plutitor), inox - VALVULAS CT, Spania
Am fost la ExpoApa 2015
Am actualizat oferta pentru produse Danfoss, din gama Control Industrial, disponibile in stoc.
Am participat la cea de-a 4-a editie a ExpoEnergiE, complex expozitional Romexpo, pavilion C1, 15-18 octombrie 2014
Pliant armaturi si elemente de automatizari pentru industria petrochimica
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Noua brosura de prezentare Termodinamic
Am participat la cea de-a 16-a editie a expozitiei Expo Apa, Palatul Parlamentului, 16-18 iunie 2014!
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